Monday, April 14, 2008

Drei (a photo guide).

From top to bottom, in no real chronological order.

I. Castle near Bacharach on the Rein River.
II. Discovering or 1500 century hotel in Bacharach.
III. Bacharach.
IV. Bicycles farther than the eye can see, somewhere in Amsterdam.
V. Beautiful but not typical homes in Amsterdam.
VI. View from the canal or "the 7 bridges".
VII. Cologne Catherdral in Koln.
VIII. Pork knuckle, beer, sourcrout, sausage, etc.
IX. The grave of Oscar Wilde in Paris (nearby: the grave of Jim Morrison and Chopin).
X. The Eiffel Tower light show or the postcard photo.
XI. A one night stand girl from Paris, she was slightly depressing.
XII. Brooding at the Louvre.
XIII. The Olympic torch.
XIV. a fraction of Paris.
XV. Notre Dame.
XVI. The Louvre.


Unknown said...

I hope you said hello to Oscar for me.

Gregg and Kelley said...

PICTURES!!!! Awesome bro. Looks like you are having fun:) Keep em coming!


Captain Kris Riggio said...

Who is give Sceatle? I did, but he was strangely silent....