Tuesday, November 6, 2007

(if they made sense, would you be mad as well?).

So I "lost" my wallet last week, canceled some cards, mourned the loss of greens, and abused my steering wheel. But today I got a new license and my word the DMV is quite an unbelievable melting pot. The rich the poor, the black, the brown, the red, the yellow, the green, the blue, the white, tha gangsta, the gangster, the mother, the child, and their dog were all there in somewhat even distribution and then me. I felt as though I'd walked into imigration or someplace of the sort. It was quite the experience. Thogh I've no stories of interest to speak of from the event. Haha. My picture should be a kick hoha.

I was playing guitar, wait, no I was trying to play guitar today and I've come to realize something dreadful. I will never be an accomplished guitar player. I cannot for the life of me, no really, play chords where you bar a bridge or whatever you call it. I'm incapable, completely. The reason for this is the awful truth that my left elbow is mangled. It's warped in such a way that prevents me from extending my arm fully (think the opposite of double jointed elbows) and cannot even with pressure twist fully to the left or thumb wise. So in essence, I'm mained, and unless I come to playing as if I were left handed, I will forever be incapable of becoming seasoned. Woe is me. Hah!

I did kinda learn a song though haha. I shall now sow, cause I can.

You should count the "I"s in this entry, there must be at least 30. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII these don't count.

Be well children of ___________.

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