Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pity, it feels like a friday....

Today Today Today Today Today is my birthday. Phew. Wears me thin. 22 years, and I'm still at home kicking around the long settled dust which covers all I own, and me. What does it take to find your place? What does it take to make a living? Happily? I'm 22 and I dont know, all I do is dream empty dreams. Fleeting. Empty. Dreams. One second a passion burns in my soul, the next, I've forgotten about it completely. What is that? Bloody madness leading strait to nowhere. Pish posh, enough of the pity party. I'm alive, er, sort of, I've a few friends, a family who loves me, more shit than anyone could ever need, I'll be gifted a venture of a lifetime in a time, I've got it good. And I know where I'm going when I die, I've got the gift, and thats the best thing out there. So sure life aint so bad. At any rate, yesterday was excellent, today was good, tomorrow has some act to follow. Good luck with that. And with that I've lost the will to be awake any longer. I'll post something less depressing later.


e said...

I'm afraid to report that eight years beyond you I still haven't figured it out either...

erika said...

Happy Birthday!

erika said...

(the quintessential and ordinary - but steady and traditional birthday greeting!)
but I really do mean it

and you have described life quite well - I like this post

Captain Kris Riggio said...

HUh!? Described life? I think I need to read what i said again....

Oh Erin, you provide no comfort whatsoever haha. Perhaps it (whatever it is) wasn't meant to be figured out?

Captain Kris Riggio said...
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Captain Kris Riggio said...

Oh, and thank you Erika.

Christie said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Kris

Christie said...

p.s. I hate it when days seem like Fridays and you remember it's not :( Today would be one of those days.

erika said...

I dont know - it feels like that somewhat often (well except for the last part about yesterday and tomorrow and such - that obviously changes a bit! ;) ok and the 22 part